Thursday, September 13, 2007

The odometer *must* be lying...

How can I have already driven nearly 140 miles since Monday? *erk*

It looks like I do a lot more driving on a typical week than I imagined. Which is fine, that's what I needed to know. I can't work to reduce my driving until I have some sort of idea how much driving I actually do. (How in the world did people live before motor vehicles? When it took a day of travel by horse or wagon to get to the nearest town, or two days on foot?)

So far this week I've driven to and from school several times, downtown a time or two, and to Idaho Falls and back once. I plan to drive to the farmer's market this weekend, as well to see some friends out of town. At this rate, it wouldn't be a surprise if I racked up 200+ miles on the odometer in just this one week. It's amazing how our off the cuff estimates can be so far off. I wouldn't have guessed even half that much. At this rate I may well be consuming the national average of 500 gallons of gasoline per person per year after all.

Well, on the up-side, I guess that means I've got a lot of room for improvement!

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